What are the differences between Kyndi and ChatGPT?

Jie Wu

Lately, we've been asked a lot by our customers, partners, and friends about the differences between Kyndi and ChatGPT, so here are the answers.

  • How  they work: Both ChatGPT and Kyndi’s GPT-powered answer engine utilize Large Language Models(LLM) to process and analyze language data. However, ChatGPT is designed to generate human-like language in response to user input without regard for truth. Conversely, Kyndi’s answer engine is designed to find accurate answers from trusted enterprise content quickly. Additionally, Kyndi’s answer engine can be easily tailored for specific use cases, such as addressing company- or domain-specific questions, whereas ChatGPT is more for general-purpose use cases.
  • Underlying technology: ChatGPT is a chatbot solution built on a large language model that can interact with humans in a conversational manner. Kyndi is a natural language-powered smart answer engine that finds correct answers to a user's query in one click. Kyndi's solutions are built with many of the similar cutting-edge natural language technologies used by ChatGPT, as well as incredibly novel proprietary techniques developed by the Kyndi team. 
  • Production-readiness: While you may use ChatGPT to write love letters or draft an academic essay, enterprises cannot use it in production due to numerous concerns in critical business areas, including the accuracy of the results it  provides, data security, optimization for company-specific use cases, and integration with other enterprise platforms. Kyndi is a proven solution for answering questions and has been deployed in organizations across pharmaceutical, banking, and government sectors.
  • Explainability and Trust: ChatGPT generates answers that sound authoritative but may not  be factual or reliable, with no way to verify the source of the answer; therefore, human oversight and validation of its outputs are critical to ensure accurate and appropriate outcomes. Instead of making up answers, Kyndi returns answers verbatim and explains the results it delivers in relation to the source, enabling transparency and user trust. Kyndi does not require humans to validate the results every time.
  • Tuning and optimization: It is not possible to train the general-purpose ChatGPT using your own data to address specific use cases for your business. In contrast, Kyndi lets you quickly tune and optimize the model to meet your unique requirements. Users with different skill sets can easily tune and extend the language model with industry- and company-specific data in Kyndi's no-code environment. No data labeling or model training is required.
  • Data ownership and control: When using ChatGPT for your business, you risk losing control over your data. Sensitive data such as your employee and client information will be public when you include them in your prompt. These data may be used to further train the general-purpose models that do not yield exclusive benefits for your business. With Kyndi, you own your data and have complete control over it. You can train the models using your own data and other data relevant to your business to continuously improve the output that will drive exceptional outcomes only for your business.

We hope this helps explain the differences between the two solutions. If you are curious about how Kyndi can help you accelerate time to critical business information, please don’t hesitate to reach out.